This package gives Eloquent models the ability to manage friendships (with groups), followships along with Likes, favorites..etc.
翻译 - 该软件包使Eloquent模型能够管理友情(与团体),关注度以及Likes,Favorites.etc等。
Laravel Users (Roles & Permissions, Devices, Password: Auto Hashing & History, Actions: Likes, Followers, Reviews, Subscribes, Votes, Favorites, Bookmarks, Comments)
Add To favorites and Display Favourites in RecyclerView
#博客#MadComerz Blog is an open source blog system powered by laravel 5.8
How to install iTerm with Prezto plus my personal configuration of them
IIITU Snapshot is a web app built to relive and celebrate your college memories through photos and videos. Powered by MongoDB, Firebase, Express.js, Node.js, and React.js, this platform offers a seaml...
Asynchronous (AJAX) Weather Website with client-side in Angular2+ and back-end served by node-js (expressjs)
A react app for storing new Contacts and adding favorite functionality.
This vanilla JS project which is a replica of the famous game "Wordle" is simple but will remain to be my favourite. <3
This is a website about my favorite music band: Twenty-one Pilots.