#区块链#Censorship resistant democracies.
Add Social Reactions to Laravel Eloquent Models. It lets people express how they feel about the content. Fully customizable Weighted Reaction System & Reaction Type System with Like, Dislike and any o...
翻译 - 向Laravel雄辩的模型添加社会反应。它使人们能够表达对内容的感受。完全可定制的加权反应系统和反应类型系统,包括喜欢,不喜欢和任何其他自定义类型。你有反应吗
This package gives Eloquent models the ability to manage friendships (with groups), followships along with Likes, favorites..etc.
翻译 - 该软件包使Eloquent模型能够管理友情(与团体),关注度以及Likes,Favorites.etc等。
Precinct shapes (and vote results) for US elections past, present, and future
#区块链#An e-voting system based on blockchain using ring signature
Simple Registration page for TrinityCore/AzerothCore/AshamaneCore/CMangos
A Laravel package to manage your polls
翻译 - Laravel软件包来管理您的民意调查
Laravel package that allows you to rate, like & dislike and vote(+1,-1) your models with a simple and clear ways
GotToVote is a toolkit of simple web and SMS services that help citizens get to the ballot box informed and ready to vote. Kenya version accessible at https://kenya.gottovote.cc
SimpleVote - An open-source, live updating, voting platform based on range voting.
Command line application and PHP library, providing an election engine with a high-level interface. Native support 20+ voting methods, easy to extend. Support simple elections with ease or billions of...
Vote based Question & Answer site built using Laravel 5.4, material design, x-editable and jQuery Upvote with email and database notifications.