❤️ This package helps you to add user based follow system to your model.
Add Social Reactions to Laravel Eloquent Models. It lets people express how they feel about the content. Fully customizable Weighted Reaction System & Reaction Type System with Like, Dislike and any o...
翻译 - 向Laravel雄辩的模型添加社会反应。它使人们能够表达对内容的感受。完全可定制的加权反应系统和反应类型系统,包括喜欢,不喜欢和任何其他自定义类型。你有反应吗
Animated favorite/star/like button
Store different kind of actions (Like ❤️, Follow 👁, Star ⭐, Block ...) in one table via ActiveRecord Polymorphic Association.
Allows Laravel Eloquent models to implement a 'favorite', 'like', 'remember' and 'follow' features.
#IOS#Animated Toggle UIButton
Simple Panel Auto Follow, Retweet, Like, Reply and Report on Twitter
Simple libraries to mark model as favorite for easy access in django admin
A weather app with favorite location selection built with Kotlin
Trait for Laravel Eloquent models to allow easy implementation of a "like" or "favorite" or "remember" or what ever you want features.
The HeartOverlay widget can be used to create a fun and interactive overlay that displays a heart animation when the user taps on the screen.
An open source browser extension to save your favorite bookmarks on a "new tab" page.
A followers system for laravel 5, Trait for Laravel Eloquent models to allow easy implementation of a "follow" or "like" or "favorite" or "remember" or "subscribe" feature.
Back-end system to handle orders between pharmacists and a warehouse owner with Laravel 10