An awesome browser extension that reads aloud webpage content with one click
翻译 - 一个很棒的浏览器扩展,一键朗读网页内容
📱 Browser add-on allowing you to quickly generate a QR code offline with the URL of the open tab or other text!
Browser extension to replace Youtube comments with Reddit comments or view the Reddit comments of any webpage.
Simplifies following and interacting with remote users on other Mastodon instances.
a browser extension that keeps track of your YouTube watch history and marks videos that you have already watched
Upscale or stretch any video on the web, to make it look great on UltraWide screens.
Browser extension that provides folder structure view for code in GitLab.
A browser addon for the Gladiatus browser game.
📊 A browser add-on that adds essential features to the HSLU MyCampus website
This browser extension, designed for Qubes OS, blocks and/or redirects non whitelisted URLs to another qube of your choice.
Browser Extension that enable scrolling mousewheel to control volume on Youtube and Youtube Music
🍹 A browser extension that brings new GitHub features and experience.
A browser WebExtension that adds a color marker (ribbon) to the page depending if the URL contains a given string.
A Browser add-on that Blocks or Hides visual elements (Images, Video, Flash, Canvas, SVG).
ADB shell, screenshot, and file transfer as a browser extension
👍 An extension for Google Chrome, which is for those people who, like me, have the habit of giving a Like to every video they open to watch.
A browser addon to remind you to drink water frequently while you enjoy your sweet time on your computer.
A browser extension that focuses on the next or previous HTML input element when the shortcut key is pressed.
⏩ A Firefox WebExtension that opens the specified websites in a click of a button.