A Simple New Tab ( browsers's home page ) inspired with Google's 'Material You' design
Easy communication between cross-origin browser tabs. Simplified "CORS"ing!
🗒️ ⏰ ✅ Save notes in Markdown directly in the 'New Tab' page
简 Tab ( SimpTab ) - 极简的 Chrome 新标签页扩展,望你每次打开都有好心情。
Fast, open and free-to-use new tab page for modern browsers
A material, customizable, and hackable new tab extension
翻译 - 实质性,可自定义和可破解的新标签页扩展
Customizable new tab extension for Chrome, Firefox and Safari
#大语言模型#Powerful and highly functional startpage integrated with chatGPT and hidden under the super minimalistic and animated design (static/hosted/github pages)
Web Extension — A new tab page extension with material design and useful features 🆕 🎉
#博客#Simple and fast note-taking in Chrome with Google Drive support.
翻译 - Chrome扩展程序可将您的“新标签”转变为笔记工具。
An elegant, simplified new tab page for your web browser
翻译 - 网页浏览器的优雅,简化的新标签页
firefox newtab/home replacement
A New Tab page replacement for Google Chrome with custom links and bookmarks/history components.
⚡ A high-performance browser new tab page that gets you where you need to go faster.
New-tab extension for Chrome and Firefox
翻译 - Chrome和Firefox的新标签页扩展程序
An iTerm-inspired startpage for faster web browsing.