💪🏻 Blazing-fast system monitoring for your desktop (built with Rust, Tauri & Svelte)
#IOS#Highly customizable & feature rich notifications. Interactive dismiss. Custom Views. SwiftUI. Tap-to-hold. Progress. Written in Swift, compatible for ObjC!
#博客#Show your latest blog posts from any sources or StackOverflow activity or Youtube Videos on your GitHub profile/project readme automatically using the RSS feed
翻译 - 使用RSS feed自动在GitHub概要文件/项目自述文件上显示任何来源的最新博客文章或StackOverflow活动
pg_activity is a top like application for PostgreSQL server activity monitoring.
#安卓#Android Single Activity Framework compatible with Fragment.
翻译 - 没有片段的Android单一活动应用程序框架。
#安卓#Android library project that lets you manage the location updates to be as painless as possible
#IOS#⭕️ Ring progress view similar to Activity app on Apple Watch
#安卓#🔥 ( 持续更新,目前含 300+ 工具类 ) DevUtils 是一个 Android 工具库,主要根据不同功能模块,封装快捷使用的工具类及 API 方法调用。该项目尽可能的便于开发人员,快捷、高效开发安全可靠的项目。
User activity timer component
Updates README with the recent GitHub activity of a user
翻译 - 使用用户的最近GitHub活动更新自述文件
This package gives Eloquent models the ability to manage friendships (with groups), followships along with Likes, favorites..etc.
翻译 - 该软件包使Eloquent模型能够管理友情(与团体),关注度以及Likes,Favorites.etc等。
An out the box activity logger for your Laravel or Lumen application. Laravel logger is an activity event logger for your laravel application. It comes out the box with ready to use with dashboard to ...
#安卓#⚡ Kotlin Coroutines binding APIs for Android UI widgets from the platform and support libraries