#安卓#Android Single Activity Framework compatible with Fragment.
翻译 - 没有片段的Android单一活动应用程序框架。
#安卓#[ACTIVE] Simple Stack, a backstack library / navigation framework for simpler navigation and state management (for fragments, views, or whatevers).
#安卓#🚀 Example modularized android application with single activity written in Kotlin
#安卓#Material You music player for android
#安卓#🍕CookHelper, a Food Social Network App in Jetpack Compose and Hilt based on modern Android tech-stacks, MVVM+ clean architecture and Material You design system.
#安卓#A Team Management app for creating tournaments and games for various sports
翻译 - 团队管理应用程序,用于创建各种运动的锦标赛和游戏
A Movie Application uses TheMovie API, MVVM architecture and all jetpack components.
#安卓#A small navigation library for Android to ease the use of fragment transactions & handling backstack (also available for Jetpack Compose).
🇮🇳 Open source Indian Chat application with new cool concepts.
📔📌 Firenote demonstrates, how to use Jetpack Compose to create Material You based lightweight notepad application using MVVM pattern and Firebase Database
💸📈 PapriCoin demonstrates Jetpack Compose usage to build modern app based on Clean Architecture and newest Tech-Stack.
#安卓#🃏🐺Unofficial Android app with more than 1.000 cards from GWENT: The Witcher Card Game as mobile wallpapers
This is a Sample Single Activity App (Multi Fragments) that uses Dagger-Hilt, Coroutines Flows, Paging 3 & Mvvm Clean Architecture
Sample application to demonstrate Multi-module Clean MVVM Architecture and usage of Android Hilt, Kotlin Flow, Navigation Graph, Unit tests etc.
#安卓#Simple android app for BIT Lalpur students
#安卓#Demonstration of a "one activity - multiple fragments" navigation architecture
📌 Movie App Full UI and UX awesome 📌 💎😍❤️
Android app for spam and fake review detection.
#安卓#It's an android app named QuizLand: you can create and organise the quizzes on it & then participates can give this quiz.
Simple math test for children. In this app I have tested how to works fragments and tryed to use single activity pattern.