#安卓#⚔️ A common architecture for Android applications developing based on MVP, integrates many open source projects, to make your developing quicker and easier (一个整合了大量主流开源项目高度可配置化的 Android MVP 快速集成框架).
This repository contains a detailed sample app that implements MVP architecture using Dagger2, GreenDao, RxJava2, FastAndroidNetworking and PlaceholderView
翻译 - 该存储库包含一个详细的示例应用程序,该应用程序使用Dagger2,GreenDao,RxJava2,FastAndroidNetworking和PlaceholderView实现MVP架构。
📚A pure reading App based on Material Design + MVP + RxJava2 + Retrofit + Dagger2 + Realm + Glide
翻译 - :books:一个基于Material Design + MVP + RxJava2 + Retrofit + Dagger2 + Realm + Glide的纯阅读应用程序
#安卓#🔥🔥🔥 FlyTour是Android MVVM+MVP+Dagger2+Retrofit+RxJava+组件化+插件组成的双编码架构+双工程架构+双语言Android应用开发框架,通过不断的升级迭代该框架已经有了十个不同的版本,5.0之前工程架构采用gradle配置实现组件化,5.0之后的工程架构采用VirtualAPK实现了插件化,5.0之前采用Java编码实现,5.0之后采用Kotli...
#安卓#This repository contains a detailed sample app that implements MVVM architecture using Dagger2, Room, RxJava2, FastAndroidNetworking and PlaceholderView
翻译 - 该存储库包含一个详细的示例应用程序,该应用程序使用Dagger2,Room,RxJava2,FastAndroidNetworking和PlaceholderView实现MVVM体系结构
#安卓#⚡致力于打造一款极致体验的 http://www.wanandroid.com/ 客户端,知识和美是可以并存的哦QAQn(*≧▽≦*)n
#安卓#Movie discovery app showcasing MVP, RxJava, Dagger 2 and Clean Architecture
#安卓#Minimalistic audiobook player
Android MVP Architecture
翻译 - Android MVP架构
#安卓#📦 A complete android componentization solution, powered by MVPArms (MVPArms 官方快速组件化方案).
#安卓#An Android base app with loads of cool libraries/configuration NOT MAINTAINED
翻译 - 一个带有基本库/配置负载的Android基本应用
#安卓#📺 【停止维护】高仿全民直播(全民TV),项目采用 MVP + RXJava + Retrofit + OKHttp + Material Design + Dagger2 + Base + Glide + GreenDao构建。因为全民TV已经凉了,导致App已经连不上了。在这里特意向你推荐MVPFrame: https://github.com/jenly1314/MVPFrame 和你值得...
A Kotlin compiler plugin to make dependency injection with Dagger 2 easier.