这是一个J2EE学生宿舍管理系统, 能完成学生班级楼栋宿舍等的基本管理( 毕业设计 后台管理系统 学生管理系统 教务管理系统 学校管理系统 毕设 管理平台 数据管理系统 后端开发 Web应用程序 数据库管理系统 后端框架 后台开发)
Owasp Orizon is a source code static analyzer tool designed to spot security issues in Java applications.
Online book store is a single page(SPA) web application built from scratch using Angular 8 and Java spring boot with mysql database.
JavaEE web application Discuss how to build Full java web app big system from scratch to Professional
SpringBoot汽车租赁系统-Car Rental Management On Spring Boot
Type safe Hibernate query builder (HQL)
An 🛒online shopping system 🛍️ using J2EE ☕(Jsp, Servlet, Jdbc, Jstl), MySql, Bootstrap. This is like Olx 📲with an Unique name BechDo 💰and here is the latest version with final commit.
[ Aooms —— 极速微服务开发平台 ] 不止于简单的框架集成(组件轻薄封装、极速开发体验、完整解决方案)。
Java, J2EE based website for online banking system
Security library for JEE: OAuth, CAS, SAML, OpenID Connect, LDAP, JWT...
Consumer Banking Application
J2EE项目系列(三)--Spring Data JPA+Spring+SpringMVC+Maven快速开发
Java is a versatile, object-oriented programming language renowned for its portability across platforms through the "write once, run anywhere" capability. With its robust ecosystem of libraries and fr...
Wipro Pre Joining Program using Project Based Learning