Flexible multiple types for Android RecyclerView.
翻译 - Android库使为RecyclerViews创建多种类型变得更加容易和灵活。
Hibernate Tutorials with Spring Boot and Spring-Data-JPA
Source-generated ORM with relations (one-to-one, one-to-many, many-to-many), preloading, cascading, polymorphic relations, etc
Online book store is a single page(SPA) web application built from scratch using Angular 8 and Java spring boot with mysql database.
gRPC Go Proxy library with support for one-to-many proxying and result aggregation.
This is a FaceBook Clone made with Vue 3, Laravel, Tailwind CSS, Pinia, and Inertia JS
Spring JPA, Hibernate One To Many example in Spring Boot with ManyToOne annotation
REST API with Spring Boot ,Swagger 2, Data JPA, hibernate, Mysql, One to Many , Many to One Bidirectional mapping
The goal of this project is to study the JPA relationships: one-to-one, one-to-many / many-to-one, and many-to-many.
在 Hibernate 中如何配置多表关系映射,包括:一对一、一对多和多对多。
Here i have created class room app in angular where people will join and create room and can chat and video talk as well
A Forum built with Python, Flask, Flask Blueprints, Flask-SQLAlchemy, and Postgresql.
Allow gorm's Where() to take in maps of maps that are automatically converted into subqueries
Provide a one-to-many relationship (SortedOneToManyField) that also remembers the order of related objects.
Hibernate/JPA One to Many unidirectional mapping in Spring Boot example with @OneToMany annotation
Spring data jpa tutorial
Example of using Room persistence library for "one-to-many" relation with auto increment primary key
Library-Management-System using MERN stack to perform CRUD across multiple documents