Spring, SpringBoot, JPA, Hibernate : Zero To Master - Code Examples
💖💖Here we are making almost all types of Spring Boot Applications that you suggested via linkedin/Gmail, If you are looking something that is out of the box then just ping me in linkedin or mail wit...
翻译 - 在这里,我们制作了您通过linkedin/Gmail 建议的几乎所有类型的 Spring Boot 应用程序,如果您正在寻找开箱即用的东西,那么只需在linkedin 中 ping 我或将您所需的项目邮寄给我,我将为您制作模板自由
REST Microservices architecture for E-commerce with Spring boot, Cloud and multiple modules
Spring Boot Rest CRUD API example - Spring Data JPA to interact with MySQL/PostgreSQL database.
RealWorld backend API built using Java 21 and Spring Boot 3
The project aims to present how to connect Spring Boot 3 and Java 17 Swing GUI widget toolkit. All application dependencies are provided by Docker Compose. There are also static code analysis tools li...
Online book store is a single page(SPA) web application built from scratch using Angular 8 and Java spring boot with mysql database.
Esse repositório disponibiliza uma versão zero de uma API de cadastro de usuários (Users) a ser melhorada com desafios ☕️ 🇧🇷
💥💥Full Stack Development using ReactJs and Spring Boot. Here we are used MySql, MongoDb and PostgreSql database to store the data. We also implemented the Spring Security. Here we can understand ad...
翻译 - 使用 ReactJs 和 Spring Boot 的全栈员工管理系统。这里使用了 MySql 数据库来存储员工详细信息。我们还实现了 Spring Security。在这里我们可以添加、查看、编辑和删除员工详细信息
This consists of the Flight Management System using Spring Boot and Angular 9. A complete example of learning Full-stack Development along with implementation
Enterprise project tracker, tracks commits done by employees after getting assigned to a couple of projects by their managers
Spring Boot, PostgreSQL example with Maven, Spring JPA
설로인 육류 플랫폼팀의 Sandbox Project 모음
Spring Boot Boilerplate is a starter kit for developing production ready SpringBoot Applications. This project includes : Spring Boot(3.1.2), Spring Data JPA, Spring Validation, Spring Security + JWT ...
a simple and easy-to-use Java blog system based on spring boot 2.0,welcome to star and take it away.
Project for creating a REST API with Java. An API is said to be Restful if it follows the REST standard, or Richardson's maturity model. For this, we use modules such as spring web, spring-jpa and spr...
#自然语言处理#Online Library Management. User can search, check in, checkout book
A Full Stack RSS Reader web application built with Spring MVC and JSP. It uses libraries like Spring, JPA, Bootstrap, Apache Tiles, JSP etc. There is also a static code analysis tool called Checkstyle...
Spring JPA, Hibernate One To Many example in Spring Boot with ManyToOne annotation