⭐ Codebase for various tutorials about Java, Spring Boot, AWS, Kotlin, and Testing
SpringBoot basic structure template based on Java
SpringBoot basic structure template based on Kotlin
List of top best Spring framework Interview questions and answers including Spring Boot, MVC, Security, Core, etc. Most popular important frequently asked questions (FAQ) in spring for Freshers & Expe...
OpenTracing Spring Web instrumentation
Blogging platform build with Java 8, Spring Boot v2.2.6, Spring Web, Spring Data JPA, Spring Security, H2-in-memory-database, Lombok, Thymeleaf and Maven.
Plain RESTful Web Service with Spring Boot 3. Using PostgreSQL database, Hibernate and basic authentication. Also added the lombok.
Creating Your First Spring Boot Microservice -- Exercise Files
Project for creating a REST API with Java. An API is said to be Restful if it follows the REST standard, or Richardson's maturity model. For this, we use modules such as spring web, spring-jpa and spr...
Amplicode базируется на привычных для разработчиков средах разработки IntelliJ IDEA и VS Code и предоставляет инструменты максимально комфортной и эффективной разработки сервисов и web-приложений на S...
Spring Boot 3 Rest API example that implements CRUD operations - GET / POST / PUT / DELETE and filter requests
An support project for Spring Boot Web
An support project of Spring Web MVC
Bind query params, form data, headers, cookies, session data, and more to a Java bean in Spring MVC and Spring WebFlux
Working integration of Java, Spring Boot, JPA, Hibernate, Spring Data, Rest, H2, Unit Tests
JWT Authentication API using Spring Boot 3.1.4 (Using Spring Security + Lombok + Spring Web dependencies)
Car Rental Project Using Spring Boot And MySQL
⛄ a monolithic legacy 'Enterprise - Like' application example
A library implementing Siren as a custom Spring HATEOAS hypermedia type. Siren is a hypermedia specification for representing entities.