Budibase 是一个开源的低代码平台,在几分钟内可以构建内部应用,如管理面板、内部工具、客户端门户等。支持 PostgreSQL, MySQL, MSSQL, MongoDB, Rest API, Docker, K8s
Build a CRUD app in React with Hooks.
Django meta-framework for building enterprise-ready custom business applications 💼 ✨
❄️ A simple and beautiful CRUD application built with React.
RESTful API with Node.js, Express, and Postgres.
In this article, I'll provide you with a simple and straightforward guide on how you can build a CRUD app with FastAPI and SQLAlchemy. The FastAPI app will run on a Starlette web server, use Pydantic ...
67 SVG icons for CRUD applications, packaged as a React component with light & dark themes and tooltip.
Spring Boot 3 Rest API example that implements CRUD operations - GET / POST / PUT / DELETE and filter requests
Lightweight CRUD framework for heavy lifting using ASP.net and MS-SQL Server.
Spring Boot and Swagger 3 example - configuration for API description / response example - Swagger annotations with OpenAPI 3
Angular 17 CRUD example with Web API - Angular 17 project - sample app with a CRUD example to consume Rest API
🚀 Complete Back-End Guide for Beginners | EJS • NodeJs • ExpressJs • MongoDB | Become Pro Coder
Spring Boot Redis example - Cache for CRUD app - spring-boot-starter-data-redis with Spring Boot Redis Lettuce
Angular 16 CRUD example with Web API - Angular 16 project - sample app with a CRUD example to consume Rest API
Fullstack Spring Boot + Angular 15 CRUD example - Spring Web, Spring Data JPA, embedded database (H2 database), Angular 15, HttpClient, Router and Bootstrap 4.
In this comprehensive guide, you'll build a simple CRUD API in Rust using the Actix Web framework and an in-memory database.
Angular 15 project - CRUD example with Web API using Router, Form, HttpClient and Bootstrap
Fullstack Spring Boot + Angular 16 CRUD example - Spring Web, Spring Data JPA, embedded database (H2 database), Angular 16, HttpClient, Router and Bootstrap 4.
A simple app made with Flutter for List Contacts, using sqflite.
Typescript ORM with Postgres database using Sequelize - CRUD operations and filter example - Postgresql Typescript example with Sequelize ORM