🔥Almost最佳后端规范🔥持续迭代优化的前后端分离中后台管理系统框架,开箱即用,持续提供舒适的开发体验。当前采用技术栈:Spring Boot3(Java17)、Vue3 & Arco Design、TS、Vite5 、Sa-Token、MyBatis Plus、Redisson、JetCache、Jackson、Spring Doc、JustAuth、Easy Excel、Crane4j、...
Spring Boot 3 Rest API example that implements CRUD operations - GET / POST / PUT / DELETE and filter requests
Spring Boot Native samples
Spring Boot backend application template with Hexagonal architecture
A very simple ssh server connector to run commands remote.
Spring Microservice In Action 《마이크로서비스 인 액션》 Upgared Spring boot 3.1.5
Spring Boot 3 的demo。使用Http Interface进行远程调用,使用GraalVM构建本地镜像,把springboot应用编译为可执行的二进制文件。
Provide searching, statistics and visualization for activities from runkeeper.com
Exception handling with Sprig Boot 3
An employee management system made using Angular-SpringBoot to demonstrate CRUD functionalities.
A basic demo project that shows how to use Thymeleaf with Spring Boot 3
Api para para processar arquivos em no formato (XLSX) e salvar os status de processamento em um banco PostgresSQL
The backend part of the entire full stack application "coding_shop" which I used spring boot 3 as a backend technology.
Spring Declarative HTTP Client using @HttpExchange
A simple app highlighting how we can implement retry mechanism using Resilience4j in Spring Boot