这是一套全部开源的微商城项目,包含一个运营后台、H5商城前台和服务端接口。 实现了商城所需的首页展示、商品分类、商品详情、sku详情、商品搜索、购物车、结算下单、线上支付,商品评论等一系列功能。 技术上基于最新得Springboot3.0、jdk17,整合了MySql、Redis、RabbitMQ、ElasticSearch等常用中间件,对于初学者而言根据readme中的本地开发指南就能成功启动项...
🏫🎓 一个基于 SSM 的简单学生管理系统,项目概述全面,代码注释详细,逻辑结构清晰,对于初学 SSM 的同学非常具有参考与学习价值哟 !
spring cloud alibaba(2.2.1最新版)+nacos+dubbo+gateWay+sentinel+rocketmq+(pgsql/mysql8.0的json支持)+ignite集成可用于docker分布式框架+分布式自动化任务+mybatis多数据源+seate+ shardingSphere分布式分库事务解决方案
MySQL and MariaDB docker containers of MySQL v5.5, v5.6, v5.7, v8.0, mariadb v10.0, v10.1, v10.2, v10.3
Optimal vagrant developer box for Magento2. Folders synced by nfs/rsync. This box includes Magento developer utilities.
🖖 A simple personal blog system for beginners who wants to integrate the SpringBoot with the Vue framework.
快速构建 LNMP开发环境,自由切换服务版本;Docker-LNMP is a Docker-based project that simplifies the setup of a complete LNMP (Linux, Nginx, MySQL, PHP) development environment. It supports PHP versions from 5.6 to 8.4, ...
Docker environment with Symfony REST API example
Debian 9, Apache 2.4, MySQL 8.0/5.7/5.6/5.5/ and PHP 7.3/7.2/7.1/7.0/5.6 for Docker. Additional tools: phpMyAdmin and MailHog
Source backend for website/mobile about electro, e-commerce using Java, using multi-language (EN, VI), and today's popular technologies