Cross-platform (desktop, mobile, console, web) 3D and 2D game engine. Powerful visual editor. Support for glTF, X3D, IFC and more. Fast clean code using modern Pascal. Free and open-source.
#安卓#Skia4Delphi is a cross-platform 2D graphics API for Delphi platforms based on Google's Skia Graphics Library. It provides a comprehensive 2D API that can be used across mobile, server and desktop mode...
Three engines to render SVG (Delphi Image32, Skia4Delphi, Direct2D wrapper) and four components to simplify use of SVG images (resize, fixedcolor, grayscale...)
Four advanced components to simplify use of Icon Fonts as images and ImageList: TIconFontImage, TIconFontsImageCollection, TIconFontsVirtualImageList, TIconFontsImageList (for VCL and FMX). Full suppo...
Expertiza is a web application through which students can submit and peer-review learning objects (articles, code, web sites, etc). The Expertiza project is supported by the National Science Foundati...
翻译 - Expertiza是一个Web应用程序,学生可以通过该应用程序提交和同行评审学习对象(文章,代码,网站等)。 Expertiza项目由国家科学基金会资助。
Open Source Library for connecting Firebase by Delphi VCL/FMX
Free ErrorSoft Components for Delphi (VCL) & EsVclCore lib
A common cross-platform GUI library, the core uses Lazarus LCL.
Grid control for Delphi and C++ (VCL and FMX)