#区块链#Ignite is a CLI tool and hub designed for constructing Proof of Stake Blockchains rooted in Cosmos-SDK
翻译 - 构建区块链的最简单方法。
DataCap is integrated software for data transformation, integration, and visualization. Support a variety of data sources, file types, big data related database, relational database, NoSQL database, e...
Build deep learning applications in a new and easy way.
spring cloud alibaba(2.2.1最新版)+nacos+dubbo+gateWay+sentinel+rocketmq+(pgsql/mysql8.0的json支持)+ignite集成可用于docker分布式框架+分布式自动化任务+mybatis多数据源+seate+ shardingSphere分布式分库事务解决方案
Create React Native apps with TypeScript and Ignite
All code samples, scripts and more in-depth examples for the book high performance in-memory computing with Apache Ignite. Please use the repository "the-apache-ignite-book" for Ignite version 2.6 or ...
Script to assist in downloading Microsoft event contents or return session information.
All code samples, scripts and more in-depth examples for The Apache Ignite Book. Include Apache Ignite 2.6 or above
A toolkit for spring boot akka persistance event sourcing starter which contains abstracted common logic for aggregate flow definition and cluster sharding plus taking benefit of spring boot echo syst...
Apache Ignite (GridGain) Go language client and SQL driver
Show case for how to integrate apache ignite with spring boot plus using the durable memory feature and sql queries over ignite in memory caches
Customized version of ignite Andross With TypeScript Support
Simple Esports project based on Rocketseat's Next Level Week.
Projetos desenvolvidos em ReactJS durante a trilha de ReactJS do Ignite da Rocketseat. 💜🚀
🧠 One foundation for multiple applications.