Java rate limiting library based on token-bucket algorithm.
A toolkit for spring boot akka persistance event sourcing starter which contains abstracted common logic for aggregate flow definition and cluster sharding plus taking benefit of spring boot echo syst...
Apache Ignite (GridGain) Go language client and SQL driver
This project has customization likes custom data sources, plugins written for the distributed systems like Apache Spark, Apache Ignite etc
Akka persistance plugin implementation with Apache Ignite
set of sample applications in different branches that show how to use spring-boot toghether with spring-data-ignite in order to integrate an application with single standalone Apache Ignite instance, ...
[Developer Training] Apache Ignite Essentials - Key Design Principles for Building Data-Intensive Applications
Java based samples of various usages of Apache Ignite in-memory distributed data fabric
Stream data to Apache Ignite and monitor the state of the cluster with GridGain Control Center
Spring Boot and Data JPA with Apache Ignite
Python Apache Ignite REST library
AkkaHttp template with distributed Apache Ignite
IgniteGraph is a client layer for using Apache Ignite as a graph database. It is an implementation of the Apache TinkerPop interfaces.
DEPRECATED. Apache Ignite (GridGain) go language client and SQL driver
This project complements Apache Spark structured streaming with hand-picked streaming sources and sinks.
#计算机科学#A wrapper for Apache Spark to make machine & deep learning available in Google CDAP data pipelines.
This project aims to provide a distributed, highly scalable service that provides a developer/user intuitive tool to perform credit/debit actions on an accounting entity.