DataCap is integrated software for data transformation, integration, and visualization. Support a variety of data sources, file types, big data related database, relational database, NoSQL database, e...
【易车】- Spark、flink、HBase、Hive、flume集成了一些Hadoop的原生api的一些demo(如HDFS、MapReduce:目前就这两个);同时测试一些异常功能
spring boot整合 mybatis和 kylin,mybatis 操作 kylin
KylinESAutoInstaller是一个开源项目,使用Ansible自动化工具,可以在银河麒麟(Kylin V10 SP3)操作系统下自动安装Elasticsearch 7.16.3版本。该项目旨在简化Elasticsearch在银河麒麟操作系统下的安装过程,帮助用户更快更方便地部署和使用Elasticsearch。
It's the sample data fetcher of Datasource Warehouse for Kylin Node. The main features of this data fetcher is extract market information from independent service provided by Kylin. Everyone can imple...
OlapDB is an OLAP data warehouse tool based on Cube pre-computation technology and HBase implementation, which can provide efficient real-time analysis and fast query for ultra-large-scale and ultra-f...
Building a prediction model for a huge dataset using Big Data tech like Kylin and Spark.
Redirect JumperServer jms:// URI request to remmina RDP remote desktop client for ubuntu(debian)