#计算机科学#A MNIST-like fashion product database. Benchmark 👇
翻译 - 类似于MNIST的时尚产品数据库。基准:point_right:
Collection of generative models in Tensorflow
翻译 - Tensorflow中生成模型的集合
Collection of generative models in Pytorch version.
#计算机科学#텐서플로우를 기초부터 응용까지 단계별로 연습할 수 있는 소스 코드를 제공합니다
GPU Accelerated t-SNE for CUDA with Python bindings
#计算机科学#A PyTorch implementation of the NIPS 2017 paper "Dynamic Routing Between Capsules".
Early stopping for PyTorch
#计算机科学#[pip install medmnist] 18x Standardized Datasets for 2D and 3D Biomedical Image Classification
翻译 - MedMNIST分类十项全能:医学图像分析的轻量级AutoML基准
#计算机科学#Layers Outputs and Gradients in Keras. Made easy.
#计算机科学#Learn deep learning with tensorflow2.0, keras and python through this comprehensive deep learning tutorial series. Learn deep learning from scratch. Deep learning series for beginners. Tensorflow tuto...
#计算机科学#Experiments for understanding disentanglement in VAE latent representations
#时序数据库#Recurrent (conditional) generative adversarial networks for generating real-valued time series data.
#计算机科学#A free audio dataset of spoken digits. An audio version of MNIST.
#计算机科学#Variational Autoencoder and Conditional Variational Autoencoder on MNIST in PyTorch
TensorFlow2教程 TensorFlow 2.0 Tutorial 入门教程实战案例
Pytorch implementation of Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN) and Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial Networks (DCGAN) for MNIST and CelebA datasets
Pytorch implementation of conditional Generative Adversarial Networks (cGAN) and conditional Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial Networks (cDCGAN) for MNIST dataset