Collection of generative models in Tensorflow
翻译 - Tensorflow中生成模型的集合
Collection of generative models in Pytorch version.
#计算机科学#Awesome Generative Adversarial Networks with tensorflow
#计算机科学#Annotated, understandable, and visually interpretable PyTorch implementations of: VAE, BIRVAE, NSGAN, MMGAN, WGAN, WGANGP, LSGAN, DRAGAN, BEGAN, RaGAN, InfoGAN, fGAN, FisherGAN
Implementations of (theoretical) generative adversarial networks and comparison without cherry-picking
Reimplementation of GANs
Keras implementations of Generative Adversarial Networks. GANs, DCGAN, CGAN, CCGAN, WGAN and LSGAN models with MNIST and CIFAR-10 datasets.
🚀 Variants of GANs most easily implemented as TensorFlow2. GAN, DCGAN, LSGAN, WGAN, WGAN-GP, DRAGAN, ETC...
Repository for implementation of generative models with Tensorflow 1.x
Chainer implementation of Least Squares GAN (LSGAN)
ProGAN with Standard, WGAN, WGAN-GP, LSGAN, BEGAN, DRAGAN, Conditional GAN, InfoGAN, and Auxiliary Classifier GAN training methods
TensorFlow implementations of Wasserstein GAN with Gradient Penalty (WGAN-GP), Least Squares GAN (LSGAN), GANs with the hinge loss.
【X世纪星际终端】A Wechat Social and AR Game: 基于微信聊天,结合增强现实技术AR+LBS(基于图像位置)的轻社交星际漂流瓶游戏。向外太空发送漂流信息,看看AI预测的外星人是长什么样的,寻找身边的外星人,逗逗外星生物,看看外星植物及外星建筑。Send the message to the outer space, find the aliens in the earth...
Simple implementation of Least Squares Generative Adversarial Networks
#计算机科学#Generative Adversarial Networks with TensorFlow2, Keras and Python (Jupyter Notebooks Implementations)
PyTorch implemented generative models for CelebA dataset: DCGAN, LSGAN, WGAN, WGANGP, InfoGAN, BEGAN, VAE, VAEGAN
[CVPR 2021: Oral] In this work, we show that high frequency Fourier spectrum decay discrepancies are not inherent characteristics for existing CNN-based generative models.