Collection of generative models in Tensorflow
翻译 - Tensorflow中生成模型的集合
Collection of generative models in Pytorch version.
#计算机科学#Awesome Generative Adversarial Networks with tensorflow
#计算机科学#Annotated, understandable, and visually interpretable PyTorch implementations of: VAE, BIRVAE, NSGAN, MMGAN, WGAN, WGANGP, LSGAN, DRAGAN, BEGAN, RaGAN, InfoGAN, fGAN, FisherGAN
Implementations of (theoretical) generative adversarial networks and comparison without cherry-picking
Reimplementation of GANs
#计算机科学#A stable algorithm for GAN training
ProGAN with Standard, WGAN, WGAN-GP, LSGAN, BEGAN, DRAGAN, Conditional GAN, InfoGAN, and Auxiliary Classifier GAN training methods
Performance comparison of ACGAN, BEGAN, CGAN, DRAGAN, EBGAN, GAN, infoGAN, LSGAN, VAE, WGAN, WGAN_GP on cifar-10
#计算机科学#My implementations of deep neural networks for practice.
Pytorch implementations of GANs
A Collection of GAN models in Tensorflow
#计算机科学#Labs for Generative Deep Learning with TensorFlow by DeepLearning.AI on Coursera