#计算机科学#YoloV3 Implemented in Tensorflow 2.0
翻译 - 在Tensorflow 2.0中实现的YoloV3
#安卓#YOLOv4, YOLOv4-tiny, YOLOv3, YOLOv3-tiny Implemented in Tensorflow 2.0, Android. Convert YOLO v4 .weights tensorflow, tensorrt and tflite
翻译 - YOLOv4,YOLOv4-tiny,YOLOv3,YOLOv3-tiny在Tensorflow 2.0,Android中实现。转换YOLO v4 .weights张量流,张量和tflite
Interpretability Methods for tf.keras models with Tensorflow 2.x
翻译 - 使用Tensorflow 2.0的tf.keras模型的可解释性方法
SEED RL: Scalable and Efficient Deep-RL with Accelerated Central Inference. Implements IMPALA and R2D2 algorithms in TF2 with SEED's architecture.
翻译 - SEED RL:具有加速的中央推理功能的可扩展,高效的Deep-RL。使用SEED的体系结构在TF2中实现IMPALA和R2D2算法。
Team Fortress 2, but with a lot of fixes, QoL improvements and performance optimizations!
翻译 - 军团要塞2,但有很多修复程序,QoL改进和性能优化!
Issue tracking and documentation for AMP
翻译 - AMP 的问题跟踪和文档