Source code of Valve Anti-Cheat obtained from disassembly of compiled modules
Valve Anti-Cheat bypass written in C.
翻译 - 用C编写的Valve Anti-Cheat旁路
Loader for VAC Bypass written in C.
翻译 - 用C编写的VAC Bypass加载程序。
Hook WinAPI functions used by Valve Anti-Cheat. Log calls and intercept arguments & return values. DLL written in C.
翻译 - 挂钩Valve Anti-Cheat使用的WinAPI函数。记录调用并拦截参数和返回值。用C编写的DLL
Plugin for SourceMod that checks for VAC, game, Steam Community, and trade bans on the accounts of connecting clients
A fully-featured training software for Counter Strike: Global Offensive, made for Linux
A very simple batch file which helps fix the Valve Anti-Cheat error message, "Disconnected by VAC: You cannot play on secured servers". Which can be caused by multiple things such as an anti-virus/mal...
PoC to disable VAC (Valve Anti-Cheat) and dump modules with automatic decryption.
Counter-Strike Global Offensive - Gamestate Integration - Bombtimer Overlay
An internal cheat for Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
Merhabalar bu benim ilk özelleştirdiğim bir projedir "Valve Anti Cheat" sisteminin kalıtsal dosyalarını siler
🤖 Telegram Bot to keep track of Steam accounts and notify on ban
Valve Anti-Cheat bypass written in C.
Loader for VAC Bypass written in C.
Web tool for verifying VAC bans among TF2/CS:GO players, enhanced with a social graph displaying steam friendships / relevant groups
Dumps VAC(Valve Anti-Cheat) modules that get streamed and mapped while playing a VAC protected game