ASF(ArchiSteamFarm)是由 C#编写,能同时挂载多个 Steam 账号的挂卡工具
A manager for game achievements in Steam.
翻译 - Steam游戏成就经理。
Automatically finds all installed Steam, Epic and Ubisoft games with their respective DLC-related DLL locations on the user's computer, parses SteamCMD, Steam Store and Epic Games Store for user-selec...
An ecosystem of tools for Godot Engine and Valve's Steam. For Linux, Mac, and Windows.
Two programs for idling Steam game hours and trading cards
Documenting the unofficial and internal Steam Web API
Steam Achievement Notifier shows fully customisable notifications when you unlock any achievement on Steam!
A script that takes the game you're playing on steam and displays it on discord
Import data from various APIs into InfluxDB
A working Python API system for Valve's Steamworks.
steam_api.dll implementation for wine. Your windows games now can interact with your linux steam! (This repo mirrors
An async python wrapper to interact with the Steam API and its CMs
An object-oriented Steam API wrapper for Node.js developers.
📃 An automatically generated list of Steam Web API interfaces, methods and parameters. Allows you to craft requests in the browser.
Collect free steam games while asf is running