ASF(ArchiSteamFarm)是由 C#编写,能同时挂载多个 Steam 账号的挂卡工具
Two programs for idling Steam game hours and trading cards
Light weight multi account steam idler, perfect for boosting playtime
Automatically set buy orders on the Steam Market with steampy.
Steam Bot para farmar cartas em interface de comando de linhas interactivo 🤖
Collects your farm's inventory and helps to farm steam sale cards from recommendation list
My C++ framework for doing Steam stuff.
Easy Gems is a browser extension to make it easier to convert Steam items into gems.
Trading bot datamining - ProBooster | Boost your hours and win cards on steam!
Small Java programm to get all Steam games with trading cards
Collect your free cards and stickers from Steam sales effortlessly
My script for setting all items to marketplace.