Script for getting unlimited GB on Warp+ ( )
翻译 - 在Warp +上获得无限GB的脚本(
⚙️ Nginx conf of FastGit, core part of fastgit web booster module
💎 Multi-purpose `Discord Server Boost and Unboost Announcer` bot with buttons, comprehensive logging all information and sending a DM to the targeted members which has written in discord.js v14. You ...
Repositório de aulas da Next Level Week.
Game performance optimization service
♻️ Multi-choice Windows optimizer that prioritizes breaking nothing. Works in tandem with Winaero Tweaker.
🌟The SUI Volume Bot is an automated trading bot designed to execute continuous buy and sell swaps on the CETUS DEX. This sui volume bot helps increase trading volume and maker activity while optimizi...
'Tis a configuration structure for getting Hyprland to work as intended on pretty much any distro that has TTY as shell/have GUI disabled.
Light weight multi account steam idler, perfect for boosting playtime
Build flexible, powerful multi-homed systems
'Windows Optimizer' application does in way by registry editing all edits based on your selections. All the tweaks/selections are dynamic, up-to date and easily revertable. Also it has translation ser...
Booster UKI Manager - A simple bash script to manage UKI files generated by booster and systemd-ukify
🧰┃NightBox - Um simples script em batch, cheio de aplicativos, otimizações e utilitários
Quickstart to expose a REST Greeting endpoint using SpringBoot and Apache Tomcat in embedded mode
#IOS#iOS Widget zur Anzeige der gegen COVID-19 geimpften Personenzahl. Zahlen zu vollständig Geimpften und Auffrischimpfungen (Booster).