Angular powered Bootstrap
翻译 - 角动力靴
A simple and easy-to-use immediate-mode gui library
Official Svelte components built for Flowbite and Tailwind CSS
#IOS#Customizable App Store style download button
leaflet control buttons with icons and callbacks
Forget about typical stereotypic loading, It's time to change. SSSpinnerButton is an elegant button with a different spinner animations.
#IOS#Craft that perfect SwiftUI button effect 👌🏼
💡 Simple buttons you can use easily for your next project.
翻译 - :bulb:简单的按钮,可轻松用于下一个项目。
Adds highly configurable buttons that use actions and per-state styling.
A boilerplate / template for discord.js v14 bots with 100% coverage of Discord API, command handler, error handler based on
My Finder buttons collection for macOS.
💦 Flutter custom widget to make a group buttons. Included Radio and CheckBox buttons.
Find Inspiration in Design Elements.
Nuxt Tailwind Starter Kit
A bursting particles effects buttons component ✨💥❄️🌋
Explore Amazing Buttons animation for your next project. 🤩An initiative by GDSC-DYPCOE for Hactoberfest. 🚀
#安卓#Customizable tri-state toggle button (with three states, three state toggle) for Android
Social login buttons for React
#前端开发#Lightweight, feature-rich, accessible front-end UI library
翻译 - 约10 +〜10 KB的功能丰富的前端框架