提供高质量 TypeScript 类型定义的仓库。
*DEPRECATED* The TypeScript Definition Manager
翻译 - *已弃用* TypeScript定义管理器
Countries, Languages & Continents data (capital and currency, native name, calling codes).
Up to date Discord API Typings, versioned by the API version
A boilerplate / template for discord.js v14 bots with 100% coverage of Discord API, command handler, error handler based on https://discordjs.guide/
🔺🌱 An example on how to render a hello triangle with WebGPU.
A tool that generates a strongly typed client library for any GraphQL endpoint. The client allows writing GraphQL queries as plain JS objects (with type safety, awesome code completion experience, cus...
#算法刷题#🍱 Collection of carefully crafted TypeScript standalone libraries. Minimal, unbloated, convenient.
Fully type-checked NodeJS EventEmitter
Feature-rich and pluggable offline-first API wrapper for all your javascript environements ! Easily wire-up your API and make your app work offline in minutes.
#安卓#A tool that generates TypeScript declaration files (.d.ts) from Jars
A text based, structured content manager, for edition and consumption — AstroJS integration
The typings for https://github.com/sequelize/sequelize
A super fast and multithreaded GraphQL codegenerator
A small Webpack loader to generate typings for your CSS-Modules
TypeScript typings for Telegram Web Apps for Bots. See https://core.telegram.org/bots/webapps
Test your TypeScript types easily
A simple and flexible cart manager for your django projects.