🌍 全球国家、洲、城市数据库。带有国家编码,区号,经纬度。提供 JSON、MySQL、PostgreSQL、SQLite、XML、YAML 和 CSV 文件格式
ISO 3166-1 country lists merged with their UN Geoscheme regional codes in ready-to-use JSON, XML, CSV data sets
翻译 - ISO 3166-1国家/地区列表与联合国地理信息系统区域代码合并为现成的JSON,XML和CSV数据集
All sorts of useful information about every country packaged as convenient little country objects. It includes data from ISO 3166 (countries and states/subdivisions ), ISO 4217 (currency), and E.164 (...
翻译 - 关于每个国家的各种有用信息都打包为方便的小国家对象。它包含来自ISO 3166(国家和州/分区),ISO 4217(货币)和E.164(电话号码)的数据。
A free collection of maps for every country in the world, available in 11 sizes or in SVG.
翻译 - 免费提供世界上每个国家/地区的地图,包括11种尺寸或SVG。
Laravel countries and currencies
Rinvex Country is a simple and lightweight package for retrieving country details with flexibility. A whole bunch of data including name, demonym, capital, iso codes, dialling codes, geo data, currenc...
翻译 - Rinvex Country是一个简单轻巧的软件包,用于灵活地检索国家/地区详细信息。全世界范围内所有250个国家/地区的大量数据,包括名称,反名,大写字母,iso代码,拨号代码,地理数据,货币,标志,表情符号和其他属性,触手可及。
Constantly updated lists of world countries and their associated alpha-2, alpha-3 and numeric country codes as defined by the ISO 3166 standard, available in CSV, JSON , PHP, SQL and XML formats, in m...
Countries, Languages & Continents data (capital and currency, native name, calling codes).
A repository of geographic regions for Ruby
翻译 - Ruby的地理区域存储库
A simple data of the world by country each in JSON format.
翻译 - 每个国家/地区以JSON格式提供的简单数据。
🇦🇶 Country picker provides a modal allowing a user to select a country from a list. It display a flag next to each country name.
The easy PHP Library for calculating holidays
翻译 - Yasumi是一个用于计算国定假日的简单PHP库
#数据仓库#World Factbook Country Profiles in JSON - Free Open Public Domain Data - No API Key Required ;-)
worldwide holidays
翻译 - 全球假期
A Laravel package which provides a list of the countries, states, cities, currencies, timezones and languages.
翻译 - 提供国家、州、城市、货币和时区列表的 Laravel 包
PHP library that knows how countries and cities are called in any language
翻译 - 知道如何以任何语言调用国家和城市的PHP库