Worldwide holidays (REST API), NuGet or docker container 🌎
worldwide holidays
翻译 - 全球假期
Golang + Beego 编写 提供开发/运维常用操作的HTTP API接口: 手机归属地查询、IP地址查询、工作日节假日判断、微信报警、钉钉报警、2步验证、密码存储、发送邮件、生成随机密码等功能
Jollyday - A worldwide public holidays library
Enrico Service provides holiday dates for several countries. data extractor for python
Code for lives here. Feel free to contribute.
Breinify's JavaScript API Library
Global holidays API for public holidays, bank holidays and observances from 230+ countries
📆 ⚙️ Holiday API .NET SDK (API Client)
A dynamic holiday package for php/laravel library based on Google API to show list of regular holiday.
The Official Holiday and Event API for Java and Kotlin
The Official Holiday and Event API for Go
CodeIgniter third-party library deals with Holiday API based an official PHP library
#安卓#This repository contains the final project for the Mobile Application Development module offered by the National Institute of Business Management (NIBM).