🌍 全球国家、洲、城市数据库。带有国家编码,区号,经纬度。提供 JSON、MySQL、PostgreSQL、SQLite、XML、YAML 和 CSV 文件格式
BRPickerView 封装的是iOS中常用的选择器组件,主要包括:日期选择器(支持年月日、年月等15种日期样式选择,支持设置星期、至今等)、地址选择器(支持省市区、省市、省三种地区选择)、自定义字符串选择器(支持单列、多列、二级联动、三级联动选择)。支持自定义主题样式,适配深色模式,支持将选择器组件添加到指定容器视图。
worldwide holidays
翻译 - 全球假期
Accelerated subscription for international/China region ad filtering rules(国际/中国地区广告过滤规则的加速订阅)
Tool for convert files into Magicavoxel file
provide countries, states, and cities relations and database.
List all your AWS resources, all regions, all services.
Create, read and write wav files according to the specs. ⭐ 🎶 ❤️
Official repository of the Alibaba Cloud Client for PHP
This module is a PHP module that enables the user to find the country, region, city, coordinates, zip code, ISP, domain name, timezone, connection speed, IDD code, area code, weather station code, wea...
🗽 🗼 🗻 Native OpenGL powered Maps, by Mapbox
Hierarchical finite state machine for TypeScript and JavaScript
This module is a Python Library that enables the user to find the country, region, city, coordinates, zip code, ISP, domain name, timezone, connection speed, IDD code, area code, weather station code,...
We moved to GitLab 💔 Openki is a tool to build up and organize local communities – Open education for real.
Image Segmentation using Texture and Color features in C++