🌍 全球国家、洲、城市数据库。带有国家编码,区号,经纬度。提供 JSON、MySQL、PostgreSQL、SQLite、XML、YAML 和 CSV 文件格式
An offline crossplatform .NET library for getting Global Country , iso3166 Short-code and Region Data
An array of geographical data for all USA states with full TypeScript support
Geographical version of Schelling's model of Segregation. It is built with PyQt5 and PyQtGraph
Power Bi projeleriniz için Türkiye'mizin Coğrafi Bölgeleri, İl ve İlçelerine ait Şekil Haritaları ( JSON Dosyaları )
2021 Text and Data Analysis Summer School
A library to extract historical toponyms from texts, geocode and visualize the results on maps.
#计算机科学#In this repository you are going to find the documents we produced to support the discussion in our Digital Methods of the Month. These documents will help you orienting yourself if you want to pickup...
This repo shows how to plot GNSS data obtained by MATLAB mobile using a python library, folium.
Welcome to the repository for all the materials for Stream 2 of the CDCS 2024 summer school. Go to the readme file
Compared Ordinary Least Square (OLS) and Geographically Weighted Regression (GWR) using R programming with interpretation
Materials for the workshop "Making Interactive Web Maps: Finding the Right Tool for You" (15 Feb 2024, 10:00 – 12:00). Go to the readme file
Introduction to Visualising Data in QGIS 2.8. See readme for more info
Choropleth maps with varying levels of granularity using Plotly and Streamlit.
This repository contains the material connected to a workshop developed for CDCS by Ian Holmes Edina . This workshop shows how to work with Historical Maps and Digimaps. More info in the readme file
Demonstrates how to build and deploy a dashboard for exploration of road crashes in Queensland, Australia, based on dataset obtained from the Department of Transport and Main Roads.
OpenWeatherMap & Google APIs used to map hotels based on weather preferences, written in Python using Pandas & JSON data.
Interactive visualization of geographical data through choropleth maps, geographical maps and real maps.
This repository contains the material connected to a workshop developed for CDCS by Ian Holmes Edina. This workshop shows how to create these sorts of data visualisations with QGIS. It focuses on a ra...
#计算机科学#A series of models using SimplyAnalytics' county data to predict depression statistics in Florida. Programmed in Python.