Full-sized drag & drop event calendar in JavaScript
翻译 - 全尺寸拖放事件日历
Swoole 使 PHP 开发人员可以编写高性能高并发的 TCP、UDP、Unix Socket、HTTP、 WebSocket 等服务,让 PHP 不再局限于 Web 领域
🥊 Tiny 200 byte functional event emitter / pubsub.
翻译 - 200微小的200字节功能事件发射器/ pubsub。
The Doctrine Event Manager is a library that provides a simple event system.
翻译 - 教义事件管理器是一个提供简单事件系统的库。
#时序数据库#An open-source, cloud-native, unified time series database for metrics, logs and events, supporting SQL/PromQL/Streaming. Available on GreptimeCloud.
🔎🖼 A JavaScript library for zooming images like Medium
翻译 - JavaScript一个JavaScript库,用于缩放图像(如Medium)
Gear-Lib, C library for IOT Embedded Multimedia and Network
翻译 - Gear-Lib,用于物联网嵌入式多媒体和网络的C库
QMQ是去哪儿网内部广泛使用的消息中间件,自2012年诞生以来在去哪儿网所有业务场景中广泛的应用,包括跟交易息息相关的订单场景; 也包括报价搜索等高吞吐量场景。
Hayabusa (隼) is a sigma-based threat hunting and fast forensics timeline generator for Windows event logs.
The official React Component for FullCalendar
Full-sized drag & drop JavaScript event calendar with resource & timeline views
alf.io - The open source ticket reservation system for conferences, trade shows, workshops, meetups
翻译 - alf.io-用于会议,展览,研讨会,聚会的开源门票预订系统
The official Vue 3 component for FullCalendar
Reliably create beautiful Add to Calendar Buttons, where people can add events to their calendars. Without the hustle and unsupported cases.
翻译 - A convenient JavaScript snippet, which lets you create beautiful buttons, where people can add events to their calendars.
#安卓#LiveData 数据倒灌:别问,问就是不可预期 - Perfect alternative to SingleLiveEvent, supporting multiple observers.
The official Angular component for FullCalendar
YEDDA: A Lightweight Collaborative Text Span Annotation Tool. Code for ACL 2018 Best Demo Paper Nomination.
icalendar parser library for Python
Polyfills the ResizeObserver API.