🥊 Tiny 200 byte functional event emitter / pubsub.
翻译 - 200微小的200字节功能事件发射器/ pubsub。
(deprecated) Trans-locate your render destination, using mitt. Built with react@16 and react-native in mind.
电影推荐系统(Movie Recommendation System,前端:Vue3 + Element Plus + axios)前后端分离项目
React event emitter / pubsub 👉🏻👈🏽
B站尚硅谷电商项目前台(完成至订单支付), vu3 + typescript, vite脚手架,pinia代替vuex,mitt代替$bus, 原项目教程https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Vf4y1T7bw?p=1
249 byte event emitter / pubsub with namespaced wildcards.
Stateful components in Snabbdom using Mitt to perform the updates
The Navarro Blog API is built on high scalability and performance, implementing queues, cache banks, CI/CD jobs, automated code and dependency analysis, and a focus on testing and documentation.
NEI Market Analytics is an open-source project designed to provide comprehensive market value analyses for various financial instruments and digital assets. This repository aims to create a robust pla...
vue3 vite pinia ts tsx admin admin-template arco-design/vue template
Lightweight utility for integrating mitt with React
A Vue composable event emitter library based on mitt, featuring an `autoOff` method for automatic call `off` on component unmount and dependency injection for ease of use, simplifying inter-component ...