High performance Node.js image processing, the fastest module to resize JPEG, PNG, WebP, AVIF and TIFF images. Uses the libvips library.
翻译 - 高性能Node.js图像处理,是调整JPEG,PNG,WebP和TIFF图像大小的最快模块。使用libvips库。
Compress 🗜️
gulp-responsive generates images at different sizes
🖼 Image Presets for Vite.js apps
#计算机科学#Unified Collective Communication Library
🏙 Retinal is a Serverless AWS Lambda service for resizing images on-demand or event-triggered
⚡ Proxy that compresses images to low-resolution
Serverless image optimizer for S3, Lambda, and Cloudfront
Index Academy : NodeJS - Build a Full E-Commerce RESTful APIs (بالعربي)
🏞 Real-time image processing for your express application.
The multi-framework JavaScript library for responsive images.
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