🍺 Scaffolding your Chrome extension! Boilerplates: react \ vue \ svelte \ solid \ preact \ alpine \ lit \ stencil \ inferno \ vanilla
👏 An amazing admin framework of vue3
🍰🍰 VIte-CLI resolve Vite create starter template No need to configure vite scaffolding templates quickly build vite4.x development templates highly customized Vue3.x React 18 Vite5.x
A lightweight React18 backend management template
wocwin-admin,基于 Vue3.3、TypeScript、Vite4.3、Pinia、Element-Plus、qiankun 开源的一套后台管理模板。
基于 Arco Design Pro 前端模板开发的 ContiNew Admin 前端适配项目。
😍React background management system based on React18, ReactRouteV6 and Vite4
Lightweight starter kit to use ViteJS 4 for WordPress plugin and theme development. Includes frontend and backend (PHP) utilities
基于 qiankun+vue2&vue3+Vite3+vite-plugin-qiankun 技术栈实现的前端微应用架构,实现了主子应用切换,并做了简单的自动化脚本命令,可用一行命令所有子应用的依赖安装、启动以及打包部署。
A vite plugin which can transform svg icon to vue component. Support optimization via SVGO, support customize svg color and size.
⭐️ 基于 Vue3 + TypeScript + Vite + Element-Plus + Pinia 开箱即用的企业级开发模板
Drop-down menu with rich functions, including search/groups options/avatar/multi for Reactjs
👏 low code plateform of Programmer
React admin template based on the latest front-end technologies such as react18 and antd5
一款开箱即用,符合直觉的cms解决方案,却不限于cms的一款集成解决方案 适用于各类管理系统,找寻各类解决方案,各类插件demo,作用于项目启动框架
一个简单易上手的后台管理模板,基于 Element UI 框架、Vue 3、Vite 4 和 TypeScript 构建。帮助你快速创建现代化的管理界面
Based on vue3.3 + typeScript + vite5 minimalist framework, integrated pinia, axios, tailwindcss, mock and other plug-ins, packaging some common hook, multi-environment configuration.
Unit Test for Vue -- 搭建 Vue 3.x + Vite 4.x 单元测试环境(包含覆盖率测试)