🏕 Opinionated Vite + Vue Starter Template
翻译 - 🏕固执的Vite入门模板
An mobile web apps template based on the Vue 3 ecosystem。一个基于 Vue 3 生态系统的移动 web 应用模板,帮助你快速完成业务开发。
A simple opinionated Vue3 Starter Template with Vite.js
🍰🍰 VIte-CLI resolve Vite create starter template No need to configure vite scaffolding templates quickly build vite4.x development templates highly customized Vue3.x React 18 Vite5.x
🏕 Opinionated Vue + Vite Starter Template with SSR in Node.js
<⚡⚛️> Start your React project with Vite following code best practices (TypeScript, Linting, testing, CI/CD…)
vue3.x + vite2.x + vant3.x + ts 移动端 vw + rem布局基础模板
🏕 Opinionated Vite Starter Template with SSR in Cloudflare Workers
🖖 Vite + Vuetify, Opinionated Admin Starter Template
🖖 Vite + Vuetify 3, Opinionated Admin Starter Template
Viact is a starter template for React TypeScript that uses Vitejs, which supports RTL for specific styles, proxy fetching API (to fix CORS errors) and a simple mock REST API server. Additionally, Is s...
⚡ Opinionated Vite Starter Template. Inspired by Vitesse
Opinionated Vue 3 + Vite + Typescript minimal blog starter ⚔
🏕 Opinionated React + Vite Starter Template with SSR in Node.js
🔥The Template for Mobile Application, Vite4&Vue3, Pinia, Router, APIs&Mock, I18n, Unit&E2E Test.移动端Web应用模板
A simple library template starter for Vite with TypeScript, Prettier, Vitest, Bun, Renovate and np.
Quick starter template for your React project includes Vite, ShadcnUI, Tailwind, Lucide and more
A Vue 3 starter template or boilerplate for your new Vue projects using Vite.
⚡️ Vite Vue SSR Frontend Starter Kit. TypeScript, Windi CSS, Pinia, DDD-ready, components auto-importing