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Vue.js 源码解析
Bleeding edge vue template focused on code quality and developer happiness.
Vue Notus: Free Tailwind CSS UI Kit and Admin
A Vue.js template that can support more than 100 thousand lines of code in our business, I hope it can help you too~
Vue Firebase🔥 Authentication with Vuex
#博客#blog-admin @react、@typescript、@apollographql
翻译 - 博客管理员@ react,@ typescript,@ apollographql
Dashblocks Vue Material Admin Template
@vitejs + @vuejs 3+@Vuetifyjs 3
🖖 Vite + Vuetify, Opinionated Admin Starter Template
Grabarz & Partner Boilerplate is a professional front-end template for building fast, robust, and adaptable web apps or sites with vuejs.
The best scaffold for Vue 2.x based on vue-cli#vuejs-templates/webpack
Enable Optional Chaining(?.), Nullish Coalescing(??) and many new ES syntax for Vue.js SFC based on Babel
🔽🏔 Vuetify 3 + Nuxt 3 Starter Template
📦 一个快速搭建 Web 应用的模版!前端使用渐进式框架 Vue,后端使用微框架 Flask
@vitejs template for @vuejs 2+@vuetifyjs+TypeScript
ASP.NET Core / Vue.js SPA Template App
Vue + Hapi (API) setup running Gulp + BrowserSync + Nodemon + Webpack HMR, with independent hot reload and restart + ESLint + Unit Testing (Karma, Mocha, Chai, Sinon, Lab)