Vuetify 是一个具有 Material 设计风格的 Vue UI 组件库。
A web extension for Pixiv
A youtube clone template called vuetube built with vue & vuetify
A collection of ideas and projects that contain from beginner to advance 🎯🚀
@vitejs + @vuejs 3+@Vuetifyjs 3
GenVue is a hostable, web application that lets confidential users upload and share private files. Tech stack: Net Core 2.0 + Vue.js + Vuex + OpenIddict + Vuetifyjs + EF + SQLServer/Postgress
An open source frontend Framework for building admin applications running in the browser on top of REST, using ES6 and Vue.js
Community Management System
GraphQL API-First CMS based on NodeJS and Vue 2, Nuxt and Vuetify
Interactive Vuetify Form Generator with Validation & Input Styling 🎉
#前端开发#Laravel-Vue SPA starter project template with Vuetify frontend.
Customize MQTT messages between two brokers
📱 Nuxt JS (Vue JS) + Vuetify 2 SPA hybrid demo app built using Cordova