NocoDB 可以“一键”将 MySQL、PostgreSQL、SQL Server、SQLite 和 MariaDB 转换为智能电子表格,是 Airtable 的开源替代品
refine 是一个基于React的web快速开发框架。使得开发人员减少重复的CRUD操作,提供包括身份认证、访问控制、路由、网络、状态管理和i18n等行业标准解决方案
A frontend Framework for single-page applications on top of REST/GraphQL APIs, using TypeScript, React and Material Design
翻译 - 一个前端框架,用于使用ES6,React和Material Design构建在REST / GraphQL API之上的浏览器中运行的B2B应用程序
Customizable admin dashboard template based on Angular 10+
翻译 - 基于Angular 8+的可定制管理仪表板模板
Free Bootstrap Admin & Dashboard Template
翻译 - CoreUI是免费的引导管理模板
AngularJS Bootstrap Admin Panel Framework
翻译 - AngularJS引导管理面板框架
Vuestic Admin is an open-source, ready-to-use admin template suite designed for rapid development, easy maintenance, and high accessibility. Built on Vuestic UI, Vue 3, Vite, Pinia, and Tailwind CSS. ...
翻译 - 免费和美丽的Vue.js管理模板
The administration framework for Ruby on Rails applications.
翻译 - Ruby on Rails应用程序的管理框架。
Horizon UI JavaScript ⭐️ The trendiest & innovative Open Source Admin Template for Chakra UI & React!
Generate powerful admin apps without writing a single line of code - Run `npx dashpress` to see some magic!
⚛️A free and beautiful React admin dashboard template pack.
用React和Ant Design搭建的一个通用管理后台
Admin Dashboard Template Built On Tailwind CSS
翻译 - 基于Tailwind CSS的管理仪表板模板
A Free Responsive Admin Dashboard Template Built With Bootstrap 4. Elegant UI Theme for Your Web App!
翻译 - 使用Bootstrap 4构建的免费响应式管理仪表板模板。Web应用程序的精美UI主题!
Free and Open-source Tailwind CSS Dashboard Admin Template that comes with all essential dashboard UI components, pages and elements
💥Free and open-source admin dashboard template built with Bootstrap 4.5 💥
翻译 - with使用Bootstrap 4构建的免费开放源代码管理仪表板模板💥
🔥A beautiful Bootstrap 4 admin dashboard templates pack.
翻译 - 🔥一个漂亮的Bootstrap 4管理仪表板模板包。
AdminLTE Asset Bundle for Backend Theme in Yii2 Framework
Free React Tailwind CSS Admin Dashboard Template - TailAdmin is a free and open-source admin dashboard template built on React and Tailwind CSS, providing developers with everything they need to creat...