refine 是一个基于React的web快速开发框架。使得开发人员减少重复的CRUD操作,提供包括身份认证、访问控制、路由、网络、状态管理和i18n等行业标准解决方案
A simple and powerful React framework with minimal API and zero boilerplate.
Flexible production-grade boilerplate with Next.js 11, Vercel and TypeScript. Includes multiple opt-in presets using Storybook, Airtable, GraphQL, Analytics, CSS-in-JS, Monitoring, End-to-end testing,...
翻译 - 具有Next.js 9,Vercel和TypeScript的灵活的生产级样板。包括使用Airtable,GraphQL,Analytics,CSS-in-JS,监视,端到端测试,国际化,CI / CD和SaaS B2B多单租户(monorepo)支持的多个选择加入的预设
🚀 React application framework inspired by UmiJS / 类 UmiJS 的 React 应用框架
React pivot table example with Flexmonster
A Next-Tailwind-DaisyUI-Hardhat boilerplate to quickly start building your web3 dApps
A framework for creating production grade plugable React app.
React 16.5+ Module for Flexmonster Pivot Table & Charts
⚛️ Simple, lightweight React framework for humans
Simple and Accessible boilerplate with Refine, React framework
A tutorial for a full react app framework with auth, i18n, form errors, http & api handling.
Senti Console exhibit dashboards and data from the Senti IoT Micro Services platform
This project showcases Serverless technology on the AWS Stack. Including Cloud Front, Cognito, Lambda, API Gateway, Route 53, Cloud Formation, DynamoDB, and REACT with redux and formik on the UI.
A real-time web-application made with .Net 6, React Framework, SignalR and The Trivia API.
React SSR (Server Side Render ) Node Web Framework for Egg