Horizon UI JavaScript ⭐️ The trendiest & innovative Open Source Admin Template for Chakra UI & React!
A Chakra UI themed wrapper for the popular library React Select
Horizon UI TypeScript | The trendiest & innovative Open Source Admin Template for Chakra UI & React!
Chakra UI + Dayzed = datepicker
Transform SVGs to React Chakra UI <Icon /> ✨
🚗 Car rental project is a website that provides users with the ability to rent a car for a specific period of time. The website allows users to browse a variety of vehicles, compare prices and choose...
Stack Overflow desktop app with fast and clean UI
⚡️⚛️ ReScript bindings for @chakra-ui/react
ReactJS Basic Resume Generator
Realtime Chat App (iMessage Clone) with NextJS, GraphQL, NodeJS, MongoDB, Prisma, TypeScript, NextAuth.js, Google Authentication, Chakra UI, (1-1 Messaging, Real Time Messaging, Creating chat conversa...
💅 Next.js boilerplate made with Chakra-UI + Typescript + React-table + React-hook-form
E-commerce web-application for selling clothing essentials 😀
Admin panel for e-commerce web-application for selling clothing essentials 😀
A resume builder website is a web-based tool that allows users to create and customize a professional resume to their desired specifications. These websites typically provide templates for creating a...
Cloned Version of the Website Urban Company . Urban company is an online webapp to get expert local services such as repair services, grooming services etc... The company has separate app for mobile u...
Backend of e-commerce web-application for selling clothing essentials 😀
Bottom navigation component built for Chakra UI
#博客#这是一个nextjs开发,使用chakra-ui设计的,基于contentlayerjs生成静态数据内容的web 博客,支持mdx,评论,SEO等功能
A web-based application that provides a SQL editor to run queries and display results.