Shared state management solution for React
This project is a simplified a full stack clone of Stackoverflow.
翻译 - 该项目是Stackoverflow的简化的全堆栈克隆。
Light, Secure, Pure Javascript OIDC (Open ID Connect) Client. We provide also a REACT wrapper (compatible NextJS, etc.).
⚛️ Authenticate your react applications easily with react-query.
#前端开发#React JS Advanced Folder Structure - Boilerplate
A simple React app that uses Context API, custom Hooks, Tailwind CSS & Framer Motion.
🎁 Três modelos de README com o Projeto criados para o blog da @Rocketseat 🚀
#前端开发#Feature-rich ‘stack overflow’ (QnA site) clone. Made using MERN + GraphQL stack.
⚒️ 🚧 This is a workshop for learning how to build React Applications
⚙ A GUI tool to build your react app in the fastest way with all components and pages with routing.
An e-commerce web application developed with Next.JS (React) + Tailwind CSS for front-end/UI, Context API for state management and Custom REST API for Backend.
ReactJS 16.11 + new React Context API +react Router 4 + webpack 4 + babel 7+ hot Reload + Bootstrap 4 + styled-components
A simple and easy way to control forms in React using the React Context API
Start with Front-End Journey with Sheryians Coding School (Front-End Domination: Create-Anything-with-Code)
Professional Boilerplate for React Web Applications built by 4GeeksAcademy Students
Full stack Reddit clone with nodejs and react native.
A bold, striking arts and life magazine website built as an SPA using Next.js, TypeScript, React Suspense, React Hook Form, Zod, Tailwind, Shadcn, GSAP and E2E Testing using Playwright from Figma temp...