Node.js Backend Architecture Typescript - Learn to build a backend server for production ready blogging platform like Medium and FreeCodeCamp. Main Features: Role based, Express.js, Mongoose, Redis, M...
翻译 - Node.js后端体系结构打字稿-学习为Blog平台(例如Medium,FreeCodeCamp,MindOrks,AfterAcademy)构建后端服务器-学习编写单元和集成测试-学习使用Docker映像-AfterAcademy开放源项目
Making SvelteKit forms a pleasure to use!
A beautiful shopping platform developed with Next.js, tailored for various devices including Desktop, Tablet, and Phone. 基于Nextjs开发同时适配Desktop、Tablet、Phone多种设备的精美购物平台
📋 Validation resolvers: Yup, Zod, Superstruct, Joi, Vest, Class Validator, io-ts, Nope, computed-types, typanion, Ajv, TypeBox, ArkType, Valibot, effect-ts, VineJS and Standard Schema
🚀 A RESTful API generator for Node.js
#大语言模型#C# implementation of LangChain. We try to be as close to the original as possible in terms of abstractions, but are open to new entities.
Scaffold quickly your next TypeScript API with this opinionated NestJS template crafted for Docker environments
Composable schemas for JavaScript and Node.js
A starter build for a back end which implements managing users with MongoDB, Mongoose, NestJS, Passport-JWT, and GraphQL.
TypeScript Declarative Validation for Joi
🎁 Três modelos de README com o Projeto criados para o blog da @Rocketseat 🚀
Valida e formata strings de CPF ou CNPJ.
This is a simple REST API with node and express with typescript
This is an e-commerce web application based on other popular e-commerce platforms. Built with Angular, Node.js, and MySQL
Javascript object constructors and sample data based on Joi schema.
Validate NEXT.js API Routes with joi