zod 是一个TypeScript数据类型验证库。从简单的 String类型到复杂的嵌套对象
📋 Validation resolvers: Yup, Zod, Superstruct, Joi, Vest, Class Validator, io-ts, Nope, computed-types, typanion, Ajv, TypeBox, ArkType, Valibot, effect-ts, VineJS and Standard Schema
⚡ The fastest JS validator library for NodeJS
Data quality assessment and metadata reporting for data frames and database tables
A Typescript framework to help you get an API server up and running with I/O schema validation and custom middlewares in minutes.
Go with Zod inspired simple schema validation
Coercion and validation for data structures
翻译 - 数据结构的强制和验证
Zod utilities for Remix loaders and actions.
GraphQL syntax highlighting, linting, auto-complete, and more!
GQLAlchemy is a library developed with the purpose of assisting in writing and running queries on Memgraph. GQLAlchemy supports high-level connection to Memgraph as well as modular query builder.
Stencil is a schema registry that provides schema management and validation dynamically, efficiently, and reliably to ensure data compatibility across applications.
Serverless multi-protocol + multi-destination event collection system.
OpenAPI JSON Schema Generator allows auto-generation of API client libraries with a focus on JSON schema given an OpenAPI document
TypeScript-first schema validation for h3 and Nuxt applications
An RDF Unit Testing Suite
Typed wrappers over pandas DataFrames with schema validation
SBT plugin to generate and validate graphql schemas written with Sangria
BackboneJS compatibility layer for Type-R data framework.