Event-driven Automation Framework for Kubernetes
翻译 - 事件驱动的工作流自动化框架
Vanus is a Serverless, event streaming system with processing capabilities. It easily connects SaaS, Cloud Services, and Databases to help users build next-gen Event-driven Applications.
Event-driven application platform for Kubernetes
翻译 - 开源规范以及Knative事件绑定和交付的实现
TriggerMesh is the open-source AWS EventBridge alternative. It provides a unified eventing experience, a developer-friendly CLI, and runs on Docker or natively on Kubernetes.
Serverless Workflow Management System (WFMS)
Serverless multi-protocol + multi-destination event collection system.
End to End testing of Web, API, Cloud, Events and Security
The Kubernetes native and CloudEvents native distributed event streaming, event orchestration & messaging platform
A fault-tolerant events/alerts correlation engine
Contains Keptn specifications: CloudEvents, Shipyard, Uniform, SLI/SLO, Remediation
This project is a command line client for CNCF xRegistry
A microservice / serverless function for pushing CloudEvents (https://cloudevents.io/) to Amplitude Analytics
This repo hosts all the material I developed for my bachelor in computer engineering thesis at the University of Bologna. The thesis and the final pitch deck are also available (Tesi.pdf and Presentaz...