The publish-subscribe pattern (short: pubsub) is an event handling and messaging pattern where the consumer subscribes to the provider, which in return can then publish a message that can be picked up and processed by each subscribed consumer.
发布于 1987
Dapr 是一个可移植的、事件驱动的运行时,它使任何开发人员能够轻松构建出弹性的、无状态和有状态的应用程序,并可运行在云平台或边缘计算中,它同时也支持多种编程语言和开发框架。
ntfy 是一个基于HTTP实现pub-sub消息通知服务。接收消息设备可以是Android、IOS、浏览器。使用非常简单无需注册。
uWebSockets 是一个轻量级、高性能、安全的WebSocket 库
The most scalable open-source MQTT broker for IoT, IIoT, and connected vehicles
翻译 - 用于大规模物联网应用程序的开源、云原生、分布式 MQTT 消息代理。
🥊 Tiny 200 byte functional event emitter / pubsub.
翻译 - 200微小的200字节功能事件发射器/ pubsub。
ZeroMQ core engine in C++, implements ZMTP/3.1
翻译 - C ++中的ZeroMQ核心引擎,实现ZMTP / 3.1
Scalable real-time messaging server in a language-agnostic way. Self-hosted alternative to Pubnub, Pusher, Ably. Set up once and forever.
翻译 - 与语言无关的可扩展实时消息传递
μWebSockets for Node.js back-ends :metal:
翻译 - 用于TypeScript和JavaScript后端的μWebSockets server
翻译 - deepstream.io服务器
Broadcast, Presence, and Postgres Changes via WebSockets
翻译 - 通过websockets实时收听PostgreSQL数据库。用Elixir构建。
Highly scalable realtime pub/sub and RPC framework
翻译 - 高度可扩展的实时框架
Policy and data administration, distribution, and real-time updates on top of Policy Agents (OPA, Cedar, ...)
High performance, distributed and low latency publish-subscribe platform.
翻译 - 高性能,分布式和低延迟的发布订阅平台。
A Microservice Toolkit from The New York Times
翻译 - 纽约时报的微服务工具包
A micro library providing Ruby objects with Publish-Subscribe capabilities
翻译 - 一个微型库,为Ruby对象提供发布-订阅功能
A distributed MQTT message broker based on Erlang/OTP. Built for high quality & Industrial use cases. The VerneMQ mission is active & the project maintained. Thank you for your support!
Open source implementation of OPC UA (OPC Unified Architecture) aka IEC 62541 licensed under Mozilla Public License v2.0
翻译 - OPC UA(OPC统一体系结构)的开源实现,又名IEC 62541(根据Mozilla Public License v2.0许可)
Lightweight, fault-tolerant message streams.
翻译 - 轻量级的容错消息流。