Novu 是一个开源的通知基础架构,帮组开发者快速实现产品通知功能,而无需不断地重新发明轮子。
ntfy 是一个基于HTTP实现pub-sub消息通知服务。接收消息设备可以是Android、IOS、浏览器。使用非常简单无需注册。
Apprise - Push Notifications that work with just about every platform!
翻译 - Apprise-适用于几乎所有平台的推送通知!
#安卓#🔥 A well-tested feature-rich modular Firebase implementation for React Native. Supports both iOS & Android platforms for all Firebase services.
翻译 - React经过测试的功能丰富的模块化Firebase实施,用于React Native。同时支持所有Firebase服务的iOS和Android平台。
#安卓#Free implementation of Play Services
翻译 - Play Services Core套件的实施
The world's most versatile desktop notifications framework 🌎
翻译 - 世界上最通用的桌面通知框架:earth_americas:
#安卓#React Native Local and Remote Notifications
翻译 - 反应本机本地和远程通知
#IOS#Bark is an iOS App which allows you to push custom notifications to your iPhone
翻译 - Bark是一个iOS应用,可让您将自定义通知推送到iPhone
#前端开发#⚓️ Easily test HTTP webhooks with this handy tool that displays requests instantly.
Countly is a product analytics platform that helps teams track, analyze and act-on their user actions and behaviour on mobile, web and desktop applications.
翻译 - Countly帮助您从应用程序中获取见解。可用的自托管或私有云。
🖥️📱🔔 A utility for sending notifications, on demand and when commands finish.
翻译 - 🖥️📱🔔一个实用程序,用于根据需要以及命令完成时发送通知。
📢 Laudspeaker is an Open Source Customer Engagement and Product Onboarding Platform. Open Source alternative to Braze / One Signal / Customer Io / Appcues / Pendo . Use Laudspeaker to design produc...
Send push notifications to mobile devices through GCM or APNS in Django.
The push notification service for Ruby.
翻译 - Ruby的推送通知服务。
Open-source customer engagement. Automate transactional and marketing messages across email, SMS, mobile push, WhatsApp, Slack, and more 📨
A Node.js library to send all kinds of transactional notifications.
#IOS#A Java library for sending APNs (iOS/macOS/Safari) push notifications