#安卓#🔥 A well-tested feature-rich modular Firebase implementation for React Native. Supports both iOS & Android platforms for all Firebase services.
翻译 - React经过测试的功能丰富的模块化Firebase实施,用于React Native。同时支持所有Firebase服务的iOS和Android平台。
#Awesome#Here you can get all the Quantum Machine learning Basics, Algorithms ,Study Materials ,Projects and the descriptions of the projects around the web
翻译 - 在这里,您可以在网上获得所有的量子机器学习基础知识,算法,研究材料,项目以及项目描述。
Unofficial Firebase Admin SDK for PHP
翻译 - 用于PHP的非官方Firebase Admin SDK
Send push notifications to mobile devices through GCM or APNS in Django.
The push notification service for Ruby.
翻译 - Ruby的推送通知服务。
#安卓#react native module for firebase cloud messaging and local notification
Uniqush is a free and open source software system which provides a unified push service for server side notification to apps on mobile devices.
翻译 - Uniqush是一个免费的开源软件系统,可为服务器端通知移动设备上的应用程序提供统一的推送服务。
#计算机科学#🔥 NativeScript plugin for Firebase
翻译 - :fire:Firebase的NativeScript插件,领先的实时JSON:cloud:应用平台
Python client for FCM - Firebase Cloud Messaging (Android, iOS and Web)
FCM Django: Send push notifications via django to websites, iOS & android mobile devices through FCM (Firebase Cloud Messaging)
#Awesome#🔥 List of Firebase talks, tools, examples & articles! Translations in 🇬🇧 🇷🇺 Contributions welcome!
Delivery App for Restaurants built on Flutter using Domain-Driven Design (DDD) and Layered Architecture along with Riverpod Framework.
#安卓#OneSignal is a free push notification service for mobile apps. This plugin makes it easy to integrate your native Android or Amazon app with OneSignal. https://onesignal.com
Push notifications for GCM, APNS, MPNS, AMZ (automatic detection from device token)
Ruby bindings to Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) for Android, iOS or Web
翻译 - Ruby绑定到适用于Android,iOS或Web的Firebase Cloud Messaging(FCM)
#安卓#Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) notifications channel for Laravel
PHP and Laravel Package to send push notifications to Android and IOS devices.
#安卓#Moved to https://github.com/invertase/notifee